I have been writing and publishing poetry for about 15 years . My poems are unashamedly personal, reflecting my own experiences, but I ensure that they have a universal meaning as well. 

I am also interested in the aspects of life that are often overlooked or ignored . It’s the richness and variety of human society that interests me . I am particularly intrigued by worlds within worlds, subcultures such as gipsies and of course bikers,  of which I am an honorary member. I supposes I am endeavouring to capture a world that is disappearing in this increasingly homogenised society.

Over the last 15 years my work has been published in literary magazines . This has lead on to my having 10 poetry collections published by small presses. These include Indigo Dreams Press, Koo Press, Lapwing Press , Erbacce Press…

Lately I have begun writing short stories which is quite a learning curve but fun. Ironically it is teaching creative writing for G.C.S.E that has taught me the rudiments of writing  short fiction. My stories are now being published in literary magazines in both the UK and North America.

Mind you, I am yet to get that elusive Pushcart nomination !